Wednesday, October 28, 2015
Watch: Vet Just Asked Trump 1 Question That Makes Him Instantly Walk Off Stage - Video
“Is the VA not doing the job?”
For 21 years, a wounded veteran who served with the 101st Airborne fought for his nation. On Tuesday, in an emotionally charged face-to-face meeting, Donald Trump promised to take this veteran’s side in the ex-soldier’s current battlefield: the Department of Veterans Affairs.
Trump was answering questions at a Sioux City, Iowa, campaign stop when a wounded veteran named Todd was given the opportunity to speak.
“These are our greatest people. The wounded warriors. These are the greatest. The best,” Trump said before leaving his podium to greet the man and his family.
“With the current administration, warrior care is lacking to say the least…
especially post-service,” Todd said to Trump, noting that he did not work and his wife, April, was his caregiver. “What will the Trump administration do better than the Obama administration?”
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2016 Elections,
Donald Trump,
Friday, October 2, 2015
Alert: Oregon Shooter Posted His Plans One Day Before the Shooting
The NWO and the Vatican planned the Oregon school shooting. Why? They want to take your guns away and impose martial law.
Why the school shooter did posted his plan one day before the shooting on anonymous forum. Below is screenshots and transcript. Read it for yourself.
The Shooter Said this on the Forum “Some of you guys are alright. Don’t go to school tomorrow if you are in the northwest. happening thread will be posted tomorrow morning. so long space robots”
“Will post again in am, 10 min countdown. Won’t say more to much to prepare.”
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False Flag Ops,
Oregon School Shooting
“Cures For All Diseases” HIV, AIDS, Diabetes, Cancer, Stroke, STDs, Arthritis & More And Has The Supreme Court Ruling To Prove It (Video)
In this day and age of pollution, toxic chemicals, and even more toxic medicines, many people are finding themselves plagued by chronic illnesses and ailments and are turning back to Nature for the cures she may hold.
A true healer has come forward and stood up against the American Medical Association in court, with a list of diseases he can cure including some of the most life altering conditions people suffer from today such as: bipolar disorder, depression, ADHD, Mesothelioma, acid reflux and drug addiction.
This courageous man, Dr. Sebi is a healer, pathologist, herbalist, biochemist and naturalist, who immigrated from Honduras and who has committed his life to the service of helping people cure their diseases, in essence he teaches his patients how use nature to take care of their bodies.
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It’s Begun! US Cities Join New World Order To Form Global Police Force Targeting Homegrown Extremism! Patriots Be Ready!
On September 29th, the Department of Justice lined up with several U.S. cities to link globally to form a global police initiative they are calling, The Strong Cities Network.
The initiative is being presented as a “global terror busting network that combats homegrown extremism.” Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch announced its formation during the United Nations General Assembly this past Tuesday. Cities who are participating include: New York City, Atlanta, Denver, Minneapolis, Paris, London, Montreal, Beirut, Oslo and thirteen others.
This is an outright handing over of our rights to a global unit! Please don’t’ miss this crucial report that harbors critical details about what awaits the world…
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Thursday, September 10, 2015
Cops Mistake Disabled Man’s Symptoms for Mental Illness and Arrest Him
After calling the cable company, a technician determined that his cable was probably being stolen by a neighbor, and suggested that he talk to the police. Goines then walked over to the Waynesboro Police Department, and informed the police of the possible theft.
He was followed home by two officers, who noticed that his speech was slurred and that his gait was unsteady, and figured that he must be mentally ill.
He was cuffed and taken to a medical center, where an employee also determined that he was mentally ill.
He was then locked up in a mental facility for five days against his will, and was not allowed to contact his family or friends.
The only problem, is that Gordon Goines isn’t mentally ill. He suffers from cerebellar ataxia, a neurological disease similar to Lou Gehrigs which caused the aforementioned symptoms.
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World War III Will Begin in Syria
The Russians are increasing the size of their nuclear submarine fleet at the same time we are reducing. These Russian subs are being deployed.
Not since the Cuban Missile Crisis has the world been this close to World War III.
The events are leading the superpowers to put their military assets in close proximity to each other.
All that is needed is a spark. Willl Assad of Syria become the modern day Arch Duke?
The Continuing Chain of Provacative Events Leading to World War III
The chain of events are well known: China launches a sell off of it currency causing the dollar to lose value.
Four chemical plants in China have been destroyed since that move.
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Monday, September 7, 2015
Does the FBI Maintain a File On You? Want to See What it Says?
Typically the FBI will only release the files of deceased individuals.
One exception to that rule is when an individual is requesting information about themselves.
While requesting your own file is not much different than an ordinary request to the FBI there, there is an added kink in the process.
A self-request falls under the Privacy Act and not the Freedom of Information Act.
It requires a special Department of Justice form stating, under penalty of perjury, that you are who you say you are.
The request should state clearly that you are requesting all documents with your name and any aliases in them.
It should also provide any additional information that would help FOI/PA officers locate documents about yourself.
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Freedom of Information Act,
Privacy Act
How To Get A Bad Cop Fired
While police brutality may seem overwhelming at times, it is important to remember that brutal police are the few and those of us who want peace are the many.
It is also important to remember that police work for the many.
It seems that society has lost the notion of public servants and instead has resorted to a paradigm of public subservience.
This is a particularly worrisome state of “civilization” and it’s indicative of tyranny.
But you don’t have to accept it.
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Police Brutality,
police state,
Thursday, September 3, 2015
Quayle Alert: Surprise E Coast Military Air Drill to Effect Civilian Radar & Early Warning System *Emergency Alert*
Heavy activity on Russian VLF comm channel.
The movement involves a large signal intelligence/spy vessel of the Russians that has been
Tracked going up and down the east coast and in the carribean, and also a whole task force of
Chinese sailing now already getting close to Alaska. Then last night a statement by the RUSSIAN MILITARY
That they are preparing an answer to the US sanctions, and it will NOT be like them, but something
To make the US wish it had not done them. China does
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Steven Quayle,
War and Conflict
Obama's Third Term: What You Need to Know About Hillary Clinton’s Emails
In any sane government, things would be looking pretty bleak for Hillary right about now, but not in a “Hope and Change” government.
In a government full of “Hope and Change,” someone so clearly guilty of multiple law violations is still free to go about campaigning for President, and can even remain the front runner for a political party filled with such lowlifes.
Hillary should be paraded around in an Orange jumpsuit maybe, but no more than that! This whole ordeal is yet another giant national embarrassment complements of the Democrats and the Clintons.
When it comes to the emails. there is no way the Congressional Investigatory Committee is going to release all the dirt they have on Hillary, but even in what little they have published, it is quite clear Hillary is a habitual offender.
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War With China Full Speed Ahead As 5 Navy Ships Near Alaska, The Exact Place Obama is Visiting! Coincidence?
“In the interest of global peace, the United States must mend relations with China, or else suffer the consequences of World War III. At least, that’s what billionaire investor George Soros says.” — Sputnik News
As China’s market stumbles out of control and they celebrate their 70th anniversary of the end of World War II, the Pentagon spots five Chinese Naval ships off the Bering Sea, just off the coast of Alaska where Obama just so happens to be visiting.
Considering the economic turmoil China is causing globally and the affects it’s having on Asian and American markets, war just might be exactly what China is looking for to build up their economy.
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War and Conflict
Wednesday, September 2, 2015
Homeland Security Preparing For ‘Cyber Pearl Harbor’?
The US Department of Homeland Security is preparing for a potentially catastrophic attack on the nation’s electric power gird and is setting up up a “cybersecurity committee” to coordinate efforts to protect power plants and the grid from a digital attack.
The committee will draw up a plan for dealing with such an attack and make recommendations for improving cybersecurity within the power grid, according to The Hill.
A notice about the committee’s creation was posted in the Federal Register.
Some have warned a cyberattack essentially could be a “cyber Pearl Harbor,” whereby a hacker or rogue nation takes down the power grid for weeks.
The threat increases each year as the grid becomes more and more connected to the Internet.
Last year NSA Director Michael Rogers told the House Intelligence Committee that cybersecurity was a big concern.
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Tuesday, September 1, 2015
Searching Now: Manhunt Underway For Illinois Cop Killers, One Officer Reportedly Killed
An Illinois police officer was shot Tuesday morning, prompting a manhunt for two armed suspects outside Chicago, authorities said. Early reports claim the officer was killed, now Fox News reports the officer is only wounded.
The police officer was shot near Fox Lake Il, about 55 miles north of the Chicago, Lake County Sheriff’s officials said.
ABC7 reported the shooting occurred near an old cement plant.
Police say they are searching for two men and possibly a woman.
The Facebook pages for Gavin School District and St. Bede School in Ingleside said the schools are on soft lockdown. Residents should take caution and call 911 if they see anything suspicious.
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Officer Down,
Officer-Involved Shootings
Wednesday, August 26, 2015
Virginia Shooting: Videos From Shooter's Point Of View, Bryce Williams, Aka Vester Lee Flanagan (Video)
We are cultivating mental illness in our society.
It should come as no surprise that the rate of mass shootings at schools and in other public places is increasing.
The surge has nothing to do with guns, which have been widely available in the U.S. for years. Gun control laws have been increasing.
Instead, there is a direct correlation between the increase in violence and the gradual degradation of morals, ethics and parenting.
We are cultivating mental illness in our society.
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Gun Control Law,
Mental Illness,
Moral Decay,
The Day All The ATMs Ran Out Of Cash
Money plays such an important role in our lives that most of us could not imagine surviving without it.
Yet that is exactly what you need to do if you want to prepare for an economic condition called deflation.
Deflation is the term economists use to describe a “general decline in prices, often caused by a reduction in the supply of money or credit.”
A good way to think of deflation is as the opposite of inflation. Inflation occurs when there is too much money in circulation, which destroys its value and raises prices.
When deflation occurs, there is too little money available, which often causes prices to collapse and the economy to shut down.
In severe cases of deflation there can be no money available at all not — even at the banks.
This nightmare actually occurred during the Great Depression of the 1930s, when there were places in the United States where there was no cash available at all.
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Bank Account Confiscations,
Innocent Couple Shocked At What Happens When CPS Worker Goes Rogue
A state social worker deliberately tormented her neighbors with false child abuse claims – claims that resulted in multiple law enforcement visits to the home, police say.
Social worker Beth A. Bond and her fiancé were charged with six counts of making false reports to a state child abuse hotline, court records in Elizabethtown, Kentucky, indicate.
The calls led to late-night visits from police, six child abuse investigations and drug tests for the innocent couple, April Rodgers and Corey Chaney,
The Courier-Journal newspaper reported. To make matters worse, officials with the state Cabinet for Health and Family Services refused to listen to Chaney and Rodgers until police proved the claims were false.
Rodgers and Chaney even were pressured by CPS to sign “prevention plans” designed to prevent abuse.
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State Sanctioned Kidnapping,
Tuesday, August 25, 2015
Thanks to Congress the UN Plot to Confiscate American Guns Took a Giant Step Forward
Trapped within the fanfare Chinese Black Monday and the American stock market plunging almost 600 points yesterday, suspicious explosions in China and on an American military base, there has been a very important, but quiet development ,which is escaping the attention of both the American people and the Independent Media.
The Corker Bill Spells the End of the Second Amendment
We are safe from the ravages of the UN Small Arms Treaty, aren’t we?
In fact, many Senators have openly stated that they refuse to ratify this controversial treaty.
Well, that is not exactly true.
There is a new process established by the new Corker bill may very well have changed the way treaties are passed from here on out.
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Gun Confiscations,
United Nations
Monday, August 24, 2015
Black Monday & The Final Bullet: The Fed Will Hyperinflate — Andy Hoffman
It’s Black Monday, August 24, 2015: Andy Hoffman from Miles Franklin joins us to recap the 1,000+ plummet in the DOW at the market open and the “sheer horror” of what is to come.
Andy breaks it down in this way, “This is called an overwhelming supply of sell orders at the open as people are terrified for their financial lives as they should be.
Because this is just the beginning. Unless they hyperinflate it (the stock market) which is very possible, look what’s going on in Venezuela, we are going to revisit the 2008-2009 lows without a question. So this is not “flash crashing”, this is terrified panic as it should be.”
Meanwhile John Williams from Shadowstats is out with the latest CPI inflation adjusted numbers for silver – and the 1980 inflation adjusted all time high for silver is now $601 per ounce. Got PHYSICAL?
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Global Crash: What They’re Not Telling You
With the global economic meltdown already in full swing, the months of September and October 2015 could be looked back on in years to come as the most tumultuous in generations.
Here’s what they’re NOT telling you about how this came about.
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It’s Not Coming It’s Here: Evidence For an Unstoppable Catastrophic Nightmare—There Is Zero Time Left!
We told you it was coming and now it’s here!
The economy crisis has arrived and is heading full speed into an melting pot of chaos as countries stock markets all across the world are toppling.
The Dow plummeted more than 1,000 points, Spain’s stock market plunges, all of Asia’s investors panic, China loses all 2015 gains, Mideast stock markets take a dive, and the Russian double hits a new low as oil prices plunge.
Panic is literally sweeping investors and global markets across the world! Here is the breaking report:
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Beware September 2015! A Great Deception is Brewing! I Know What is Going to Happen and it is Not What You Think!
Scripture clearly tells us that the apostasy—the Great Falling Away—must occur before the rapture and I think I know when it will start! The event is clearly listed in scripture as occurring just before the antichrist is revealed.
1 Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him,
2 That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand.
3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; 2 Thes 1-3.
Thus the rapture/day of Christ is not the next event because it plainly says, for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first! The falling away must occur first. The NASB uses the word apostasy.
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Quayle, Hagmann & Hodges-A Prophetic Interview on WW III, Martial Law, Economic Collapse
Dave Hodges, Steve Quayle and Doug Hagmann got together for a rare interview regarding World War III, Occupation of America, Martial Law and an Economic Collapse.
Judge for yourself, in retrospect, how many things were they correct about?
First hour- Bob Griswold on how to survive what is coming
Second hour- Katy Whelan and how to take care of your own health care needs when a doctor is not needed. Also, in the second hour, Jim White will appear to talk about the multiple reasons that will lead to World War III
Third hour-famed economist, Joseph Meyer, will appear to talk about the crash of the stock market and the impending global collapse.
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Dave Hodges,
economic collapse,
Martial Law,
Steven Quayle,
How To Survive A Violent Home Invasion
In a previous article we discussed how to harden your home against a home invasion and how to prepare for a home invasion.
Here, we want to cover the actual methodology of surviving a home invasion, and steps you can take to survive — and win — such a violent encounter.
Remember: You do not have to kill or injure an attacker, or win the gunfight, or even round-house kick the bad guy. You just have to survive.
Have Gun, Don’t Have To Travel
The best gun for surviving a home invasion is the one you can reach. The snub-nose J frame you can carry on your hip is better than the AR under the bed if someone is kicking in your door.
That being said, the faster you can get to that AR, the better. Home invasions move rapidly and violently, and a good rifle can solve the problem faster and more efficiently than a handgun.
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2nd Amendment,
Home Invasions,
Home Security,
Friday, August 21, 2015
Cop ‘Roid Rage: Are Steroids Behind The Worst Police Abuses?
As random testing falls out of favor, some wonder if steroids are causing cop craziness.
In 2004, the growing menace of steroid abuse by American police officers prompted the federal Drug Enforcement Administration to warn of the “possible psychological disturbances” of juiced-up cops.
The DEA said symptoms included:
Mood swings (including manic-like symptoms leading to violence)
Impaired judgment (stemming from feelings of invincibility)
Extreme irritability
Hostility and aggression
Four years later, the influential International Association of Chiefs of Police, with 16,000 members around the globe, approved a resolution that “calls upon state and local law enforcement entities to establish a model policy prohibiting the use of illegally obtained steroids” by officers.
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Police Brutality,
police state,
Roid Rage
Words And Deeds Of The Founding Fathers Vs. Politicians Today (Video)
It’s time people decide if they want their country back, or not. If they do, it’s time to stop headline reading and sound bite seeking, and it’s time to get informed,and then teach others. Otherwise, this country is lost. James Madison said:
“Do not separate text from historical background. If you do, you will have perverted and subverted the Constitution, which can only end in a distorted, bastardized form of illegitimate government.”
Most Americans don’t have a clue about the Constitution, the separation of powers, or why we are in such grave danger…
Today I’m here to speak to you about the state of our great union, what the Founders intentions for the country were, and the lack of motivation I see my fellow countrymen to retain the freedoms fought for so hard by their forefathers…
Thomas Jefferson wrote, “If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was, and what never will be.”
Patriots, at this crucial point in our nations history, information and knowledge are key, they mean the different between retaining or losing this republic.
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Founding Fathers,
The US Constitution
Thursday, August 20, 2015
They Are Not Coming To Take Texas, They Are Coming To Take Texans
I have news for Texas, they are not only coming to take your state, they are coming to take you!
The on-the-ground reporting of troubling Jade Helm related activities are not dissipating. Every day, my email is filled with eyewitness accounts and photos sent to me by Americans who are alarmed and shocked at what is going on inside of their country.
The unwarranted and unprecedented martial activities, resulting from Jade Helm, are serving to both anger and wake up American citizens who, otherwise, would not be paying attention.
In this update of nefarious Jade Helm activities, more Walmart plumbing issues are being reported, closed malls are having expensive guard towers retrofitted on the structures, but the most concerning development is the seemingly unlimited amount of mass casualty medical vehicles being spotted all across the country!
This article provides a snapshot of each of these areas of concern with examples from domain of interest. And the majority of the concerning Jade Helm reports I receive are coming from Texas.
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Jade Helm,
police state,
Monday, July 13, 2015
Hundreds In Texas Organize ‘Counter Jade Helm’ Surveillance Operation
Several hundred people in Texas have organized “Counter Jade Helm,” in response to the upcoming multi-agency, multi-state, artificial intelligence-run Jade Helm military drill set to begin on July 15th in Bastrop, Big Spring and Junction, Texas.
From what appears to be the official website
Counter Jade Helm, aka CJH, is a training exercise for the people. In response to the military’s multi-state training, called Jade Helm 2015, citizens will participate in an unofficial fashion to practice counter-insurgency, organizational and intelligence gathering and reporting skills.
CJH is not affiliated with the military’s training exercise.
The objective is not to stop or countermand the military’s training, but to practice our own skills. Anyone can participate. Groups within each state that will play host to the military are being established to streamline the process.
Individuals not wishing to be affiliated with a group can also submit information to this website for analysis and publishing.
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‘Counter Jade Helm’ Surveillance Operation,
Jade Helm,
police state,
Tracking and Surveillance
Video: Stop Selling Your Children To Bankers
When debt consumes a country and its financial system collapses – who will pay?
Who will be held responsible for the bad decisions, the debt and the malinvestment?
Throughout history, it is typically the young who are sacrificed for the sake of the older generation; young people are herded into the buzz saw of war and have their futures sold off through massive debts long before they escape the crib.
As financial collapse looms above several major world economies – who will be held responsible when the bill comes due?
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Financial System Collapse,
Friday, July 10, 2015
15 Minutes Ago: Denver Hazmat Responds To Multiple Ricin Locations | Alternative
15 Minutes Ago: Denver Hazmat Responds To Multiple Ricin Locations
Here in Denver’s Adams County, authorities have descended on two properties because of reports Ricin was allegedly being manufactured.
This video lets you see more of the first responder’s activities, and the very serious situation they are investigating.
This aerial view shows hazardous materials crews dressed in yellow, protective suits and the placement of tents for their workspace.
The Ricin poison can be administered in serveral ways; inhaled, injected or ingested. After an individual is exposed, symptoms emerge only after a variable delay, which can be between a few hours to a full day. There is no antidote.
This video lets you see more of the first responder’s activities, and the very serious situation they are investigating.
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Wednesday, July 8, 2015
I, Pet Goat II PsyOp Now Fully Decoded with Narration (Video) | New World Order
I, Pet Goat II PsyOp Now Fully Decoded with Narration (Video)
"Fasten your seatbelt"
Just before Obama was re-elected for his second term, Heliofant released a multi-million dollar animation, that baffled everyone, until NOW that is.
The animation foretold his rise to global power, in symbolic language, but without a script. Now you can watch ‘I, Pet Goat II’ with the narration, that actually tells the REAL story, behind the symbols.
This video is the most accurate interpretation of the PsyOp (psychological operation), ‘I, Pet Goat II’, that you will ever see.
While some point out the blatant illuminati boasts, that were obviously embedded into that video as a distraction from the true, hidden, meanings of it, the video below actually EXPOSES the, sick and depraved, message that is so carefully concealed and embedded into ‘I, Pet Goat II’.
For example, the title of the video, ‘I, Pet Goat II’, is fully exposed for what it really means.
There is not a single YouTuber on this planet that was able to ‘crack’ that one!
While many YouTubers remained focused on the obvious symbolisms, strategically placed into that PsyOp as deliberate distractions, NOT A SINGLE ONE was able to see past them, in order to see the FULL picture!
This video is a step by step boast of Barack Obama’s rise to power as the illuminati Antichrist of these End Times. Full Video Here!
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Saturday, July 4, 2015
Big Brother “Pay-By-The-Mile” Track And Tax Driving Scheme Being Rolled Out Now
It’s here. We’re finally starting to see the electronic big brother control grid of the technocrats’ wildest dreams being rolled out.
Because the gas tax is no longer viable, you know, what with all the fuel-efficient hybrids and electric cars on the roads out there.
Now the only possible solution the system and its minions can apparently come up with is to track us all everywhere we go and tax us for each and every mile we drive.
Classic problem — reaction — solution.
Although this is starting on a volunteer basis in Oregon, they are beta testing it before it becomes mandatory. Some 28 other states are currently working on similar plans, and the federal government has its own nationwide version as well.
As we’ve said before, it’s like we’re living in the period just before every dystopic future movie you’ve ever seen (in this case, In Time immediately comes to mind).
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Big Brother,
Friday, July 3, 2015
Stewart Rhodes, Emergency: To All Oathkeepers, Hold An Emergency Veteran, Patriot Summit Immediately [Video] | Economy
Stewart Rhodes, Emergency: To All Oathkeepers, Hold An Emergency Veteran, Patriot Summit Immediately [Video] | Economy:

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Stewart Rhodes, Emergency: To All Oathkeepers, Hold An Emergency Veteran, Patriot Summit Immediately
Stewart Rhodes: ”The realities are right in front of your face. This country is running out of time. To all Oathkeepers hold an emergency summit in your state immediately. The time is now, do not waste another second.”
“United we stand, Stewart Rhodes calls on all Oathkeepers to hold the New York Veteran Patriot Emergency Summit in thier states. Organize communications, food, medical supplies… Prepare for the worst.”
“Now is the time to set up a emergency food fund in your community, this is very important.”
It’s all in the video, God bless and pass it along. URGENT VIDEO HERE!

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Wednesday, July 1, 2015
Nearly 1 In 4 People Shot By Police Are Mentally Ill, More Are Just Distraught
Washington Post has decided to take details of officer-involved shootings and compile this year's data to detect patterns.
One pattern that soon became clear: the significant amount of mentally unstable people who are shot on site.
Last year, I wrote about one such instance in "Naked? Acting Weird? On-site Execution by Police." I only wanted to show that strange behavior does not warrant a threat or a reason to kill (especially when considering that there are still less-than-lethal methods available).
It looks like Washington Post agrees for the most part, when it comes a volatile situation possibly made worse by volatile reactions.
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Monday, June 29, 2015
WW3: Putin To Western Elites: Your Time Is Over (Video)
In this latest move by Vladimir Putin, he issues his final warning, Elites your time is at an end.
As we know, Putin has been very open about his disdain for the Power Elite and now he is ready for war.
Putin wants Russia to get the respect he feels is due his country.
Please read this speech very carefully, as Putin is not bluffing.
He laid out the Russian doctrine very carefully with many warnings.
He is planning war with NATO, Europe and America.
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Power Elite,
Vladimir Putin,
Sunday, June 28, 2015
911: What Really Happened At WTC And How It Was Covered Up (Videos)
The horrific events of 9/11 are emblazoned into the souls of many Americans as one of the worst days in America’s record.
The loss of life that day astronomical and the loss of freedoms even more so.
In the videos below, go step by step through the mechanics of how this False Flag was perpetrated.
The Pentagon and Shanksville sites are not really included in the discussion, as that there is far less evidence available than at the WTC site.
We will be discussing the science behind the cover-up and continued denial of the true events of that awful day in American history.
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An Illustrated Guide To Civil Asset Forfeiture
This cheerfully drawn comic from the Daily Signal does an excellent job highlighting the insanity of civil asset forfeiture.
It begins with a quintessentially American premise: a young person setting out on his own, all worldly possessions in hand, to start a new life as an adult.
Far be it from me to spoil the rest:
If such stories seem unbelievable (it is a cartoon after all), be sure and check out the recent all-too-real stories of Joseph Rivers and Charles Clarke, for whom this cartoon surely hits too close to home.
Even they are only the tip of the iceberg.
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Saturday, June 27, 2015
1 Million Gun Owners Thumb Noses, Violate N.Y. Gun Registration Law
One of the nation’s most ambitious gun registration schemes is a total failure, according to new statistics.
It is estimated that less than five percent of what gun control groups call “assault weapons” have been registered in New York state, more than two years after Governor Andrew Cuomo signed a law mandating it.
All total, 44,485 firearms by 23,847 people have been registered with the state police, The Albany Times Union reported.
The numbers were only released after attorney Paloma Capanna sued the state under the Freedom of Information Law.
State attorneys tried to block the release by claiming a database of firearms information was exempt from that law.
Even though 23,847 may sound like a lot, it is estimated that 1 million people in the state own such a firearm. That equates to a 2 percent registration rate.
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Friday, June 26, 2015
The Eight Steps Leading To The Coming American Holocaust
He Had the Guts to Say No to Hitler. Who has the guts to say “no” today?
Could genocide ever be carried out against segments of the American people in the modern age?
Just asking this question would get some to label the inquiry as “fear mongering” or a “conspiracy theory”.
However, with the massive military and equipment movements taking place in our country in recent weeks, in conjunction with Jade Helm, some have come to believe that we need to be asking questions, very serious questions like “Are we going to witness a genocide on American soil”?
In 1963, Stanley Milgram, a professor at Yale University, investigated the prevailing American belief that a Nazi style genocide could never happen in America.
What Milgram found was the two out of three people would unhesitatingly murder an innocent person simply based upon the orders of an authority figure who did not have the ability to threaten the well-being of the subject of the experiment.
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Hundreds of Troops Occupying Ocala Florida "Not" Part Of Jade Helm -Video
On Monday, Community Technical & Adult Education (CTAE) spokeswoman Janie Gunnell said that Marion County citizens should not worry about the 600 to 700 military personal that have recently occupied Ocala.
The military has taken over the Westport High School parking lot and it is currently filled with military vehicles.
According to reports, the military is in Ocala for “Operation Guardian,” and it will culminate on June 25, 2015.
The military said the training exercise is necessary to hone their skills in the event of a terrorist attack or natural disaster.
“[CTAE] can provide the best training area and the best training instructors anywhere in the country,” Lt. Col. Tim Snider said.
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Jade Helm,
Martial Law,
police state,
The Liberty Brothers Interview Dave Hodges On Jade Helm
Mastering the Human Domain. Dave Hodges unravels what that means on today’s show.
Dave Hodges, of The Common Sense Show, helped to co-host The Liberty Brothers Show. We discussed in depth the imminent financial collapse, the distraction of ISIS here on US soil, the civil unrest that we are already seeing this year and the implementation of Martial law including the Red and Blue Lists.
All of this ties into the key stone of Jade Helm 15.
We pray we are wrong on this, but everyday more of the puzzle pieces seem to fall into place, painting a very dark future for our children.
This is a can’t miss interview with Dave Hodges and the Liberty Brothers.
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Dave Hodges,
Jade Helm 15,
Liberty Brothers,
Thursday, June 25, 2015
The Economic Collapse Blog Has Issued A RED ALERT For The Last Six Months Of 2015 | Foreclosure-gate
The Economic Collapse Blog Has Issued A RED ALERT For The Last Six Months Of 2015 | Foreclosure-gate:
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The Economic Collapse Blog Has Issued A RED ALERT For The Last Six Months Of 2015
I have never done anything like this before.
Ever since I started The Economic Collapse Blog in late 2009, I have never issued any kind of “red alert” for any specific period of time. As an attorney, I was trained to be level-headed and to only come to conclusions that were warranted by the evidence.
So this is not something that I am doing lightly.
Based on information that I have received, things that I have been told, and thousands of hours of research that have gone into the publication of more than 1,300 articles about our ongoing economic collapse, I have come to the conclusion that a major financial collapse is imminent. Therefore, I am issuing a RED ALERT for the last six months of 2015.
To clarify, when I say “imminent” I do not mean that it will happen within the next 48 hours. And I am not saying that our problems will be “over” once we get to the end of 2015. In fact, I believe that the truth is that our problems will only be just beginning as we enter 2016.
What I am attempting to communicate is that we are right at the door of a major turning point. About this time of the year back in 2008, my wife and I went to visit her parents. As we sat in their living room, I explained to them that we were on the verge of a major financial crisis, and of course the events that happened a few months later showed that I was right on the money.
This time around, I wish that I could visit the living rooms of all of my readers and explain to them why we are on the verge of another major financial crisis. Unfortunately, that is not possible, but hopefully this article will suffice. Please share it with your friends, your family and anyone else that you want to warn about what is coming. Click Here!

Why: Foreign Actors Wanted For U.S. Army Special Ops (Video)
The denial in this country about False Flag Ops is at an all time low, many are seeing the truth when it is presented to them.
In my last article, Charleston Shooter Is Actor US Marine Crisis Actor As Jade Helm Stipulates, I presented evidence that Dylann Roof was really 33 year old John Christian Graas, child actor and a Marine aviator .
We are at a place in time when The Powers That Be are becoming so blatant that it would almost be a joke were it not for the fact that so many people are still being duped.
It all began with 9/11 and 7/7 and more recently we’ve seen a series of events that look suspiciously like they were staged.
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Wednesday, June 24, 2015
Why Did The Pentagon Rewrite Department Of Defense "Law Of War" Manual To Include Journalists? | Politics
Why Did The Pentagon Rewrite Department Of Defense "Law Of War" Manual To Include Journalists? | Politics:
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Why Did The Pentagon Rewrite Department Of Defense “Law Of War” Manual To Include Journalists?
The Pentagon just rewrote the Department Of Defense Law Of War Manual to include “Unprivileged” “Belligerence” people, this places Journalists and Citizens on the same list as Terrorists.
With Jade Helm taking place, militarty movement all across this nation, and now declaring war on Journalist, there is no stopping them now.
They had to silence citizen journalists and take control of the internet, which they did with net neutrality and no journalists, so then can control the flow of information from those who are awake and push their own propaganda as they see fit.
Basically, the New World Order is putting everything in place for their war on the people. You will comply, you will conform, if you stand behind the constutuion and excercise your constitutional rights, you will be consider an enemy combatant and you will be dealt with accordingly.
If the actions of LEO’s across this country are any indication as to how this will soon unfold, one would have to conclude this is a “Take no prisoners” enemy combatant excercise.
You can view the Department Of Defense Law Of War Manual Here.
The new wording can be found on page 173 as the video below will walk you through what I have described. Full Story Here.
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Why Did The Pentagon Rewrite Department Of Defense "Law Of War" Manual To Include Journalists? | Politics
Why Did The Pentagon Rewrite Department Of Defense "Law Of War" Manual To Include Journalists? | Politics:
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Why Did The Pentagon Rewrite Department Of Defense “Law Of War” Manual To Include Journalists?
The Pentagon just rewrote the Department Of Defense Law Of War Manual to include “Unprivileged” “Belligerence” people, this places Journalists and Citizens on the same list as Terrorists.
With Jade Helm taking place, militarty movement all across this nation, and now declaring war on Journalist, there is no stopping them now.
They had to silence citizen journalists and take control of the internet, which they did with net neutrality and no journalists, so then can control the flow of information from those who are awake and push their own propaganda as they see fit.
Basically, the New World Order is putting everything in place for their war on the people. You will comply, you will conform, if you stand behind the constutuion and excercise your constitutional rights, you will be consider an enemy combatant and you will be dealt with accordingly.
If the actions of LEO’s across this country are any indication as to how this will soon unfold, one would have to conclude this is a “Take no prisoners” enemy combatant excercise.
You can view the Department Of Defense Law Of War Manual Here.
The new wording can be found on page 173 as the video below will walk you through what I have described. Full Story Here.
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