Tuesday, April 21, 2015

More Proof That Jade Helm Will Be Used Against American Citizens! Communications Were Cut In February As A Trial Run! | Blogging/Citizen Journalism

More Proof That Jade Helm Will Be Used Against American Citizens! Communications Were Cut In February As A Trial Run! | Blogging/Citizen Journalism:

More Proof That Jade Helm Will Be Used Against American Citizens! Communications Were Cut In February As A Trial Run!

I have been doing some investigations into the Walmart closings that have taken place within boundaries of the Jade Helm military exercises.
  I was in law enforcement years ago, and I am using my training to sort out the facts that are publicly known. 
 When doing an investigation, you need to put all the details on the same piece of paper and draw your lines connecting facts. As I was doing this, something jumped out at me that no one has brought up yet.
At first, I looked at the reasons why The government would even be running an operation like “Jade Helm”.  Everything the military is doing doesn’t make sense.  
Why would they be training to subdue our citizens while Russia is currently testing the defenses of NATO, Europe and the USA?  
Why train in US communities when our current tour of duty is based in the Middle East?  
Why waste man hours and funds (which we don’t have right now) on such a huge undertaking? 
 Isn’t a joint exercise normally associated with a full scale war abroad where we will be using Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines to invade a foreign land?  It doesn’t add up.  
Why put all our forces on the southern side of the USA?    
Logic shows you don’t keep all your supplies and man power in the same place unless there is a serious need to.  

'via Blog this'

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